Kitty Rain 7: The Chase and the Coughing Coffin

Christian mystery
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Sneak peek book
OVKOR books
good Christian books,
fantasy & drama
action & adventure
mystery & crime
sci-fi & romance
kid's stories
children's books
mature & adult books
young adult books
teenager stories
Book blurb
“Ha! A shed full of coffins! Now Jane would definitely say that was creepy,” Kitty said to herself.
Kitty heard the noise and cocked her head. It came from inside the shed. So she stepped forward gingerly until she was right at the entrance.
Kitty Rain is a God-believing mystery-seeker. Along with her younger sister Jane, her mother Penny, and the handsome Cade, life is full of surprises. When a new mystery unfurls, Kitty will do what she can to piece together all the clues. What is in store for her?

First chapter/part of story/book

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OVKOR Christian books - sneak peek books, read now - many titles, more coming, Christian fantasy, drama, mystery, crime, adventure. Ages 10-adult.