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"No Kiss on My Lips" by Ohroara

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The story behind the song:

"No Kiss on My Lips" by Ohroara

"The song "No Kiss on My Lips" was inspired by my desire to get married to a man first before kissing him. I believe that by me singing this song it will provide avenues for the life-changing decision for others that will help many ladies and men, both young and old. This has been a good thing for me to do. I realise it may not be on the agenda for everyone. For me, it has given me much strength and helped me focus on God and not on earthly desires. But it has also helped me analyse relationships in a very different way than previously. By sorting out the “How are we going to live with each other?” first, you can leave the more fun romantic stuff (and all the bells and whistles with that) until after marriage which then makes marriage a whole lot better. :)" Ohroara

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