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All current puzzles and games are made for desktop use
Title | Game cover | Desktop /mobile |
Kitty Rain 1 Puzzles & Games | Desktop only | |
Kitty Rain 2 Puzzles & Games | Desktop only | |
Kitty Rain 3 Puzzles & Games | Desktop only | |
Lands of Camorlen 1 Puzzles & Games | Desktop only | |
Lands of Camorlen 2 Puzzles & Games | Desktop only | |
Christmas Bible Puzzles & Games | Desktop only | |
Homeschool Bible Puzzles & Games | Desktop only | |
OVKOR Galaxy Puzzles and Games | Desktop only |
Play puzzles and memory games - select from above games list.
Exciting news! We are developing our first computer games for desktop and mobile. Meanwhile enjoy from our list of memory and puzzle games. All current games are memory and small puzzles suitable for teenagers and adults - parental consent required.
Galaxy space-themed puzzles are the trickiest. Christian Homeschool Puzzles are easy and especially for homeschooling teens and mums and dads. Kitty Rain mystery puzzles, Lands of Camorlen fantasy puzzles are from the books which include mature themes in some titles. Read the books, then play the games.